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KillAura Documentation


The KillAura module automates attacking nearby entities. It offers various settings to customize its behavior, such as attack speed, range, target selection, and more.


APS (Attacks Per Second)

  • Description: Sets the number of attacks per second.
  • Range: 1.0 to 20.0
  • Increment: 0.5

Adjust the APS to control the speed of attacks.

AutoBlock Mode

  • Description: Sets the mode for auto-blocking.
  • Options: Manual, Vanilla, Post, Swap, Interact A, Interact B, Fake, Partial, Watchdog 1.12.2


  • Description: Sets the field of view within which the KillAura will operate.
  • Range: 30.0 to 360.0
  • Increment: 4.0

Adjust FOV: Setting a lower FOV can make the KillAura more focused and less noticeable.

Attack Range

  • Description: Sets the range for attacking targets.
  • Range: 3.0 to 6.0
  • Increment: 0.1

Set an appropriate attack range to ensure you can hit targets effectively.

Swing Range

  • Description: Sets the range for swinging at targets.
  • Range: 3.0 to 8.0
  • Increment: 0.1

Block Range

  • Description: Sets the range for blocking.
  • Range: 3.0 to 12.0
  • Increment: 0.1

Rotation Mode

  • Description: Sets the mode for rotations.
  • Options: None, Silent, Lock view

Rotation Target

  • Description: Sets the target for rotations.
  • Options: Head, Nearest, Constant

Rotation Simulator

  • Description: Sets the simulator for rotations.
  • Options: None, Lazy, Noise

Rotation Speed

  • Description: Sets the speed for rotations.
  • Range: 0 to 5
  • Increment: 0.05

Sort Mode

  • Description: Sets the mode for sorting targets.
  • Options: Health, HurtTime, Distance, Yaw

Switch Delay

  • Description: Sets the delay between switching targets in milliseconds.
  • Range: 50.0 to 1000.0
  • Increment: 25.0

Target Invisible

  • Description: Toggles targeting of invisible entities.

Target Player

  • Description: Toggles targeting of player entities.

Target Entity

  • Description: Toggles targeting of non-player entities.

Disable in Inventory

  • Description: Disables KillAura when in inventory.

Disable While Blocking

  • Description: Disables KillAura while blocking.

Disable While Mining

  • Description: Disables KillAura while mining.

Fix Slot Reset

  • Description: Fixes the slot reset issue.

Fix NoSlow Flag

  • Description: Fixes the NoSlow flag issue.

Hit Through Blocks

  • Description: Allows hitting through blocks.

Ignore Teammates

  • Description: Ignores teammates when targeting.

Manual Block

  • Description: Enables manual block mode.

Require Mouse Down

  • Description: Requires the mouse button to be held down to attack.

Silent Swing

  • Description: Enables silent swinging while blocking.

Weapon Only

  • Description: Activates KillAura only when holding a weapon.


  1. Enable the Module: Activate the KillAura module from the mod's interface.
  2. Adjust Settings: Customize the settings to your preference. For example, set the APS to control the speed of attacks or enable Ignore Teammates to avoid targeting your allies.
  3. Play: The module will automate attacking nearby entities based on your configured settings.



Customize for Situations: Different scenarios (e.g., PvP combat vs. casual play) might benefit from different settings.

Example Configuration

  • APS: 16.0
  • AutoBlock Mode: Vanilla
  • FOV: 360.0
  • Attack Range: 3.2
  • Swing Range: 3.2
  • Block Range: 6.0
  • Rotation Mode: Silent
  • Rotation Target: Head
  • Rotation Simulator: None
  • Rotation Speed: 5
  • Sort Mode: Health
  • Switch Delay: 200.0
  • Target Invisible: Enabled
  • Target Player: Enabled
  • Target Entity: Disabled
  • Disable in Inventory: Enabled
  • Disable While Blocking: Disabled
  • Disable While Mining: Disabled
  • Fix Slot Reset: Disabled
  • Fix NoSlow Flag: Enabled
  • Hit Through Blocks: Enabled
  • Ignore Teammates: Enabled
  • Manual Block: Disabled
  • Require Mouse Down: Disabled
  • Silent Swing: Disabled
  • Weapon Only: Disabled

By customizing these settings, you can optimize the KillAura module to best fit your gameplay style and requirements.