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Gui Documentation


The Gui module allows users to customize the graphical user interface (GUI) of the game. It includes settings for removing the player model, watermark, and adding rainbow outlines.


Rainbow Outlines

  • Rainbow Outlines: Enable or disable rainbow outlines for the GUI.

Enable rainbow outlines to add a colorful effect to the GUI.

Remove Player Model

  • Remove Player Model: Enable or disable the player model in the GUI.

Remove Watermark

  • Remove Watermark: Enable or disable the watermark in the GUI.

Translucent Background

  • Translucent Background: Enable or disable a translucent background for the GUI.

Customize the GUI to match your preferences and improve your visual experience.


  1. Enable the Module: Activate the Gui module from the mod's interface.
  2. Adjust Settings: Customize the GUI settings to your preference, such as enabling rainbow outlines and removing the watermark.
  3. Play: The module will apply your customized GUI settings to enhance your visual experience.

Example Configuration

  • Rainbow Outlines: Enabled
  • Remove Player Model: Disabled
  • Remove Watermark: Enabled
  • Translucent Background: Enabled

By customizing these settings, you can optimize the Gui module to best fit your gameplay style and requirements.