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Configs and Profiles in Raven XD

In Raven XD, configs are referred to as profiles.

What Are Profiles?

Profiles let you save your settings so you can easily load them later. This feature is handy when you have a preferred setup for certain activities.

Creating a Profile

Step 1 Navigate to your GUI and select

the profile settings.

The default shortcut for accessing the GUI is RSHIFT .

Step 2 Right-click on "Manager" and select "Create Profile".


Profiles can also be created using the Commands. Click here to know more about this

Loading a Profile

Step 1 Go to your GUI and select the

profile settings.

Remember, the default shortcut for the GUI is RSHIFT .

Step 2 Left-click on the profile you wish to load.

How to Save a Profile

Step 1 First, open your GUI and go to

the profile settings.

Remember, you can open the GUI by pressing RSHIFT .

Step 2 Next, find the profile you wish to save. Right-click on it and choose

"Save Profile".


Important: If you don't save your profile, any changes you've made will not be saved. This means you'll lose your changes if you switch profiles or exit Minecraft.

Profile Storage Location

Your profiles are stored in the keystrokes folder, located in your .minecraft directory.

To access your .minecraft directory, type %appdata%.minecraft here